Women of NAMM Presents A Deep Dive on Mindsets and Mantras with Dr. Jen Hall

- Quarterly virtual gathering welcomes all members for meaningful discussion and reflection -

WON Deep Dive

On Tuesday, October 25, 2022, at 12:00p.m. PT, Women of NAMM (WON) will host a virtual, Deep Dive webinar featuring Dr. Jen Hall. Dr. Hall will address the topic of “Mindsets and Mantras.” All NAMM Members are welcome to join a discussion with their peers on challenges and successes across the industry.

In her presentation, Hall will address how multiple beliefs or mindsets influence behavior and emotions and how they serve or harm us in our professional lives. Following the presentation, the group will move into breakout groups to examine questions such as, “Where do these irrational but deeply held beliefs come from?”, “What is one irrational belief that—if transformed—would make a big difference to my well-being?”, and “How can I create a mantra to challenge and ultimately transform this belief?”, among others.

Register here: https://namm.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtf-2srzwoHtM6CLTWTU7as5ybq8LRHIOT

The week prior, Dr. Hall will lead the third annual Women of NAMM Leadership Summit at the NAMM Headquarters in Carlsbad, California. The WON Summit, held October 17-19, is an intensive, three-day immersion experience designed to support women working across the industry and their goals to connect, support, and grow their leadership and professional abilities. In total, 18 participants will take part in the Summit. Read more about the event here: https://www.namm.org/news/press-releases/won-leadership-summit-welcome-18-emerging-female-leaders-music-and-audio

Dr. Hall is an executive coach, leadership trainer, and assessment author. Hall spent almost 20 years as a coaching talent manager, selecting, developing, and managing executive coaches, for the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL). In 2015, she launched her own business, Mindset Coaching. Fortunate to have been involved with NAMM since the Inaugural Women’s Leadership Summit in 2020, Hall enjoys working with women to help them elevate their personal and professional effectiveness so they can live the lives they aspire to and leave their marks on the world. A licensed psychologist and Board Certified Coach, Hall holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from the University of Connecticut and a B.S. degree from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut.

Media Contacts
NAMM Communications - John Dolak, Director

The Lippin Group for NAMM

About NAMM

The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) is the not-for-profit association with a mission to strengthen the $19.5 billion music products industry. NAMM is comprised of 15,400 global member companies and individual professionals with a global workforce of over 475,000 employees. NAMM events and members fund The NAMM Foundation's efforts to promote the pleasures and benefits of music and advance active participation in music-making across the lifespan. For more information about NAMM, please visit www.namm.org.