Eli Broxham is a versatile, classically trained double bassist whose extensive repertoire spans various genres, playing with bands such as Dallas Ugly and The Arcadian Wild. His father, a...
Owen Clayton began playing the double bass while in school. At the time, he had to stand on a box to play, but he didn’t mind at all because he enjoyed the sound of the instrument and it’...
Alphonso Johnson, an internationally renowned bassist and Chapman Stick virtuoso, epitomizes the epitome of musical mastery and innovation. With a career spanning decades, Alphonso has ca...
Rocky Smolin was surrounded by music as a kid and gravitated toward the guitar during the Folk boom of the 1960s. As his career in software development grew, music was set aside for a whi...
Maureen Wall credits the dedicated teachers who provided her with private lessons for shaping her musical path. Starting piano at age six and moving on to double bass by sixth grade, Maur...
Roland Wilfer is a fourth generation master luthier of the Emanuel Wilfer Double Bass Master Workshop. The workshop was founded 1905 and is specialized in crafting fine double basses for ...