Rachel Amick was immersed in a rich musical environment from a young age, with both parents being music educators. Witnessing their entrepreneurial spirit, Rachel and her parents ventured...
Harold Burt was just about 3 years old when a musician from a traveling circus came to his North Carolina town and sold his parents a clarinet for young Harold. His life has been filled w...
Marion Holloway is the president of Holloway Music in Monroe, North Carolina. The store was established by his grandfather in 1912 and run for many years by his father, who served as a m...
Greg Howren is the past president of his family's music store in Charlotte, North Carolina. Greg followed in his father's footsteps and continued to build the music store, which focuses ...
Dennis Howren is the president of the Howren Music Store in Charlotte, North Carolina. The store was founded by his father and was run by his two older brothers before Dennis took over a...
J. Scott McFadyen served as president of the family operated store after his father, the founder, retired. Scott was heavily involved with the music industry by helping to establish NASM...
Bill McFadyen grew up in the music business and followed in the footsteps of his grandfather, father and older brother in running the McFadyen Music stores. Bill took on the role of mana...
Malcolm McFadyen served as president of the family music store just as his father and grandfather did before him. Malcolm worked with his father to establish many of the procedures for t...
Drew Parker has traveled a remarkable musical journey as musician, Canadian band director, publisher, and music retailer. Along the way, he earned the reputation as a dedicated music edu...
Marlene Parker teamed with her husband, Drew, to move from Canada to South Carolina to take over a small town music retail business, Separk Music, which had been established by a band dir...
Curtis Pearson served proudly during World War II and, upon returning to the United States, was told of a sales job at the Poole Music Company. After several successful years and getting ...
Eddie Toporek began as an innovative musical wholesaler when he set out to create a new type of distribution business, with a heavy influence on the latest technology. As a result Eddie c...
Guy Ward was the president of the Ward Piano Company, located in Canton, North Carolina, from the 1940s until his retirement. After his daughter and son took over the company, he continu...
Harry West was the founder of Fine Musical Instruments located in Statesville, North Carolina. The store was an early pioneer in vintage stringed instrument sales and in fact, Stanley Ja...