Joe De Fio


Oral History Information

Interview Date
Job Title
Company Name
International Piano Sales

Joe De Fio has had a long and exciting career in the music industry, especially in the area of piano sales! His career began in 1968 when he was hired as a salesman for Clark Music in New York. A few years later he began working for Bob Popyk, who focused on organ sales while Joe focused on pianos. Those were exciting times with promotions such as a 24-hour sale that was very successful and great fun. He later opened his own store - The Music Center - and ran it from 1981 to 1991. Associations with Hammond Organs and Jenkins Music followed before Joe opened a second store called Piano America. With a clever software and education system he and his team were seeing a great increase in piano sales thanks to school age participants. Years later Joe established International Piano Sales for which he worked closely with Gary Galanti of North American Music. Today, Joe is just as involved in the industry as ever!

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