Lincoln Mick


Oral History Information

Interview Date
Job Title
Musician, Songwriter

Lincoln Mick joined forces with his school choir mate Isaac Horn to co-found the innovative band The Arcadian Wild. The group’s sound is a harmonious blend of Old Timey music, Bluegrass, Blues, and Classical elements, creating a rich, textured auditory experience. Lincoln and Isaac have collaborated on numerous original compositions, maintaining a philosophy that the meaning of their songs should remain open to personal interpretation. Lincoln eloquently expresses this belief, stating, “We create the song and send it out to the world. What you take from the song is unique and special to you.” Their deeply resonant song “Shoulders” exemplifies this approach with lyrics like, “I’m standing on your shoulders / You turned my green to golden / It still comes as a surprise / Whenever I look in your eyes / Without fail, I always find the man I want to be.” This reflects the band’s commitment to crafting music that invites listeners to find their own meaning and connection.