Rebecca Apodaca
Oral History Information
Rebecca Apodaca was the President of A & D Music Incorporated in Southern California. She played music as a child and gravitated to the electric bass. Her father and others such as Doc Kauffman (Leo Fender’s partner) and Bernardo Rico (BC Rich founder) taught her guitar repair. She grew up replacing strings and adjusting necks on guitars. Over the years she received her Certifications and Degrees in Music, Musical Instrument Repair and expanded the services of her business to include appraising musical instruments. She was the first person certified as an “Accredited Senior Appraiser–Musical Instruments” by the American Society of Appraisers in 2011. She wrote several columns for Music & Sound Retailer Magazine about repairing and appraising instruments. Rebecca appraised guitars played by members of Black Sabbath and Rage Against the Machine, as well as a piano owned by composer Irving Berlin. She later worked as an Expert Witness and IRS Qualified Appraiser for tax donations of musical instruments. Throughout her career she sought to peruse all that she did with integrity and professionalism, which will no doubt benefit our industry for decades to come.
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