Retail Disruptors – Scott Stratten, Customer-Experience Expert (2019 Summer NAMM)


On the heels of a popular Breakfast Session at January’s NAMM Show, Scott Stratten made a surprise appearance at 2019 Summer NAMM, during “Retail Disruptors.” The customer-experience and branding expert explained how turning to our own employees can oftentimes be the answer to combatting disruption. (Watch the video for the full segment.)

“The longer you are at a company, the more your ideas held weight,” Stratten said. “It’s actually one of the things that makes no sense. Ideas aren’t valid because they’re historical. Ideas aren’t valid because you’ve thought them a long time.”

He mentioned that too often we hire new staff but resist their new ideas. “The best people to handle disruption are those who have grown up in it.”

“If you don’t listen to them, they’ll just go do it—maybe in their own company or at yours without looking. And that’s why disruption happens outside of an industry usually to inside.”