NAMM CEO Statement on the Impact of Global Tariffs

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Music is a powerful unifying force across the world. Music brings us together, it heals, and it empowers. It is essential that music-making continues to unite us globally without any punitive measures or restrictions to the trade and manufacturing of musical products.  

The National Association of Music Merchants, representing the global music products industry, strongly urges elected leaders and world governments to support the free trade of musical products, as well as the materials used in manufacturing musical products. We call for universal exemptions from punitive tariffs for all musical products and accessories that are used by musicians worldwide.  

Excess tariffs imposed on specific countries are a great concern for our music products industry for the following reasons: 

  • Many of the most iconic, highly sought-after and highest-quality musical products are proudly made in the United States. These brands also offer successful lines of affordable, entry-level and intermediate products that ensure new and emerging music makers have access to quality products from leading American companies. The success of the top-of-the-line models made in the U.S. is dependent on the success of the full range of products made in factories around the world. This is true for many other industries, as well: The success of our strong American companies is dependent on global trade. We stand with Consumer Technology Association in recognizing that tariffs “weaken the global trading system that has powered America’s economic growth for decades.” 


  • Musicians rely on a strong retailer network to support and educate them along their musical journey. Retail is the backbone of our music products industry, with more than 4,000 retail locations in the United States serving musicians and students. The musical product retail network is essential to music-making, and we stand with the National Retail Federation in avoiding shifting costs “onto the backs of American families, workers and small businesses.” 

  • Like many other industries, musical product trade is also highly interconnected in North America, with decades of successful trade and partnerships between Mexico and Canada that have allowed us to compete globally. We stand with the National Association of Manufacturers that “protecting manufacturing gains that have come from our strong North American partnerships is vital.” 

          Statement: National Association of Manufacturers 


We understand the need for strong trade agreements with favorable terms for the United States. But these global agreements should not impede the rights of musical and artistic expression. As our Vision Statement says: We envision a world in which the joy of making music is a precious element of daily living for everyone; a world in which every child has a deep desire to learn music and a recognized right to be taught; and in which every adult is a passionate champion and defender of that right. 

We encourage all NAMM members to join us in urging our global leaders to support the free trade of music products to provide a more musical world.  


John Mlynczak 
President and CEO, NAMM 



NAMM is committed to strict compliance with the antitrust laws and its obligations under our settlement agreement with the FTC. To this end, NAMM has put in place an Antitrust Policy governing all activity during NAMM-sponsored events. NAMM’s Antitrust Policy covers all participants, including speakers, exhibitors and audience members at NAMM Events. Full details are available on NAMM’s Anti-Trust Compliance Webpage.

Media Contacts
NAMM Communications - John Dolak, Director

The Lippin Group for NAMM

About NAMM

The National Association of Music Merchants (NAMM) is the not-for-profit association with a mission to strengthen the $19.5 billion music products industry. NAMM is comprised of 15,400 global member companies and individual professionals with a global workforce of over 475,000 employees. NAMM events and members fund The NAMM Foundation's efforts to promote the pleasures and benefits of music and advance active participation in music-making across the lifespan. For more information about NAMM, please visit