U.S. Dept. of Transportation Supply Chain/Shipping Public Comment Deadline

Oct. 18, 2021

multicolored box containers

On February 24, 2021, President Biden issued an Executive Order directing several Federal agency actions to secure and strengthen America’s supply chains. President Biden also established a Supply Chain Disruptions Task Force to address near term supply chain challenges, with a focus on alleviating bottlenecks and supply constraints in the transportation sector, particularly for ports, rail, and trucking.

The Executive Order requires the Secretary of Transportation to submit, within one year, a report with public input, on supply chains for the transportation industrial base focusing on the freight and logistics sector, with the goal of strengthening resilience among transportation supply chains.

The Department seeks information from the public on the current challenges faced within the freight and logistics sector, including, but not limited to:

  • The identification of major infrastructure or operational bottlenecks and chokepoints across all aspects of the freight and logistics supply chain—including shipping/receiving, intermodal transfer, rail/water/truck transportation, warehousing, etc.—that slow or impede efficient cargo movement within the freight and logistics sector, and the most effective investments and management practice improvements that could be made to alleviate those bottlenecks.
  • The effects of climate change on transportation and logistics infrastructure and its implications for supply chain resiliency.
  • Technology issues, including information systems, cybersecurity risks, and interoperability, that affect the safe, efficient, and reliable movement of goods. Would greater standardization of those technologies help address those challenges?
  • Current barriers (including statutory, regulatory, technological, institutional, labor and workforce, management, existing business models/practices issues) that inhibit supply chain performance. For any barriers identified, please address the actors involved and potential outcomes should those barriers be removed.
  • Other policy recommendations or suggested executive, legislative, or regulatory changes to ensure a resilient supply chain that DOT/USG should consider, including means to collaborate more effectively across government agencies and suggestions based on state and international models
  • Recommended actions by non-Federal entities, including State and local governments, private firms, labor, and other participants in the freight and logistics sector that could be encouraged by DOT/USG.

NAMM Members are urged to submit comments by the Oct. 18 deadline, as follows:

  1. Go to http://www.regulations.gov
  2. Search by using the docket number (DOT-OST-2021-0106) and follow the instructions for submitting comments
  3. Note: All comments received, including any personal and company information, will be publicly posted as submitted, open to public inspection online.  It may take several business days before your submission is posted.
  4. For further information contact: Ryan Endorf at ryan.endorf@dot.gov or at 202-366-4835.