California Prop 28 Sets Aside Funding for Music and Arts Education

Earlier this year NAMM announced support for a grassroots effort to fund music and arts education in schools in California. Led by a coalition of teachers, parents, artists, entertainers, entrepreneurs, community leaders, labor organizations, and other California citizens, Prop 28 made it onto the November 2022 ballot. Prop 28, or "The Art and Music K-12 Education Funding Initiative (2022)," seeks to ensure that all of the six million students enrolled in California public schools have access to music and arts education by earmarking one percent of the state’s General Fund, which currently has a nearly $100 billion surplus. If passed, Prop 28:
- Dedicates nearly $1 billion annually in new funding from the state General fund to arts and music education in public schools – without raising taxes.
- Ensures every student in every PreK-12 public school in California has access to arts and music education.
- Has strong accountability and transparency measures, including requiring public reports from schools to verify the funds are spent as intended.
- Improves equity with additional funding for schools that serve more economically disadvantaged communities.
“NAMM and our members continue to lead efforts to expand music learning opportunities for all children and its proven benefits as described in the dozens of music research projects funded by NAMM over the past decades,” said Joe Lamond, President, and CEO of The National Association of Music Merchants. “Prop 28 puts policy and funding in place so we can genuinely engage every child in California in music and arts learning”