Steve Genewick's journey into sound engineering was sparked by his childhood fascination with music and a desire to be part of the band without being on stage. His path led him to Cheroke...
Daniel Keller is the founder of Get It In Writing and a strong advocate for promotion and marketing within and for the music industry. He has played bass since he was a teenager and built...
Brian Leshon began playing in his school jazz band when he was just thirteen years old. However, as early as his high school years, Brian had a strong interest in the recording process. H...
Marco Moir, who studied at the Musicians Institute in Los Angeles, began playing guitar for area bands. Over the years he developed the skills as a guitar technician and learned the craft...
Bill Smith’s journey into recording engineering began at 16 when his home tapes sparked a relentless curiosity for the craft. After cutting his teeth at various New York studios, a key op...