Dan Kobida
Oral History Information
Dan Kobida was first interviewed for the NAMM Oral History program back in 2004 during the Wurlitzer company reunion in Oak Brook, Illinois. Dan was not only a respected former employee of the now defunct company but also a key player in the organization of the reunion, which was as much of a family get-together as ever there was. We were able to sit down with Dan again in 2006 on the 20th anniversary of his own company, Ancott, which publishes sales, trends and changes in the piano business. We have appreciated Dan’s support in our efforts to collect the history of our industry. Dan has helped us in finding materials for our library collection as well as identifying and locating important industry leaders and veterans for this Oral History program.
If you have updated information, contact or demographic details on this person, please contact Dan Del Fiorentino and be sure to add the interviewee's name in the subject field.