Webinar: 5 Strategies for a Successful Holiday Season


Supercharge your music retail business for the fourth quarter and the holidays! In this NAMM U webinar, held October 19, acclaimed retail expert and business strategist Bob Phibbs, The Retail Doctor, explored how to find success in the holiday season by focusing on five key retail trends in five key areas. He shares new, actionable ideas, including:

  • Creating a plan of must-do’s—and maybe a few must don’ts
  • Getting the most out of marketing opportunities others don’t know about
  • Supporting personalized shopping experiences

  • Hiring and training top tips and tricks for not just making it through the holidays but also being more profitable.

  • And more!

This digital workshop will strip away your excuses, set your sights on how you can grow your business and leave you empowered to create a better holiday season. Don’t miss this opportunity to prepare for a successful fourth quarter with a global retail leader.