NAMM Members Represented at CITES Standing Committee Meeting

NAMM sponsors Musical Instruments and CITES-Protected Species side event

instruments and a globe

February 12, 2025

NAMM continues to support member companies globally by investing in the critical work of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Whether you manufacture or sell affected products, NAMM is working to support you to ensure the products we depend on can continue to be manufactured, sold and used within the CITES regulations.

NAMM was represented at the CITES Standing Committee meeting, a key gathering in Geneva, Switzerland, in preparation for the Conference of the Parties (CoP), which is scheduled in November 2025 in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. On February 4, NAMM sponsored a side event during the Standing Committee gathering that offered an important opportunity for NAMM members and partners in music to connect with delegates and officials. The event was well-attended, and the performances left a significant impact on delegates — facilitating connections to ongoing negotiations at the conference.

clarinet trio performing

Haute École de Musique De Geneve, left to right: Romain Guyot, Yonathan Navia and Aude Lartisien

What Is the Standing Committee?

The Standing Committee is made up of representatives from each of the six CITES geographical regions (Oceania, Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America). Its role is to offer guidance to the Secretariat on the implementation of CITES and the management of its budget. Additionally, the Standing Committee collaborates with and advises the Animals and Plants Committees, and it undertakes any tasks assigned to it between CoP meetings. The Committee convenes annually, along with meetings immediately before and after the CoP gatherings.

Effective Messaging

The GENeva Environment Network posted about the side event, and effectively conveyed the message we intended to share. The Geneva Environment Network (GEN) is a collaborative partnership of more than 100 organizations focused on environmental and sustainable development. Established in 1999, GEN specializes in organizing activities, conferences and events while raising awareness about environmental issues. 

geneva tweet

Collaboration and Engagement

CITES is administered through the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and the Secretariat, who is located in Geneva, Switzerland, oversees the implementation of the treaty and assists with communications between countries. Several NAMM members, associations and partners represented the music products industry and engaged with U.S. Fish and Wildlife authorities, as well as with a cross-section of delegates and NGO leaders from all over the world. 

Left to right: Michael Jousserand (Confédération des Industries Musicales Européennes -CAFIM), Jacques Carbonneaux (Chambre Syndicale de la Facture Instrumentale - CSFI), Arthur Dubroca (IPCI France Europe), Fanny Reyre-Ménard (CSFI), Thomas Gerbeth (International Pernambuco Conservation Initiative Germany e.V.), John Bennett (International Society of Violin and Bow Makers), Heather Noonan (League of American Orchestras), Daniel Piotto (botanist), Edwin Clément (IPCI France-Europe). Not pictured: Scott Paul (Taylor Guitars)

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

The Endangered Species Act appoints the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as both the CITES Management Authority and Scientific Authority in the United States. The Service acknowledges the public's interest in and diverse opinions about wildlife trade and conservation, and actively seeks feedback on potential species proposals for changes to the CITES Appendices, as well as proposed resolutions, decisions, and agenda items that the United States may submit for consideration at the CoP.

NAMM and our partners at the League of American Orchestras have worked closely with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to demonstrate compliance among our members and to provide feedback when notices are published to the Federal Register. 

graphic showing milestones for cites

CoP20 Roadmap Infographic, USFWS, Public Domain,