John Rosborough has always immersed himself in music, particularly through his active involvement in his church, where he frequently performs in gospel groups renowned for their rich four...
Wolf Stephenson met Tommy Couch (the founder of Malaco Records) while the two studied pharmacy in college. They began booking musical acts for their college parties and soon expanded to e...
John Styll formed the Contemporary Christian Music magazine in 1978 as the leading voice in the new era of church music was being established. After selling the publication 20 years later...
David Thomas is the second tenor for the singing group Take 6. He joined the group only five years after they were formed and soon became an important element in their unique sound. Dur...
Ed Tomlinson is the CEO of California Keyboards Music Center in Bakersfield and a well-regarded piano technician and trainer. After touring the world as part of a Contemporary Christian g...
Doug Williams heard his father singing as far back as he can remember. As a member of the Big Five gospel group, his father encouraged his children to sing in church. Doug sang with his t...
Betty Wright was three years old when she was placed on a pile of phone books in a studio in order to reach the microphone when her family recorded gospel music. She began writing songs v...